Start your natural capital investment journey with forests
Reach your forest investment goals
Amidst the global climate and nature agenda, a rise in standards for sustainable investment, and increasing shareholder ESG interests, the opportunity for forest investment has never been greater.
The ForestLink serves investors, investment managers and the businesses they invest into to integrate ESG and impact into profitable Forestry and land-use investment strategies.
I help you to design a forest investment strategy that not only sets your organization apart from your peers but sets your capital on the path to success.

You can work with The ForestLink in four ways:

The Concept Brief
Validate your forest investment concept in 90 minutes
Does your organization have a forest investment strategy conceptualized, but you’re not sure if you’ve addressed all the key elements? Are you concerned that the assumptions underpinning your strategy are incorrect? Do you have commercial return requirements that you aren’t sure are consistent with your objectives for climate, biodiversity, and society?
The Concept Brief is a 90-minute call dedicated to unpacking your investment strategy idea and objectives. The outcome is an action plan that focuses on the gaps and incongruencies in your investment strategy and explains how to address them.
EUR 2,500
The Strategy Audit
Save months on your forest investment strategy launch
Your organization’s forest investment strategy is coming together. You may have an internal investment thesis, pitch deck, risk analysis, impact assessment, or similar. But you’re inexperienced in forest investment. You would like a set of eyes on your strategy that has a background both in forestry and forest investment.
The Strategy Audit is a deep dive into your organization’s investment strategy, with a thorough analysis of your strategy documentation and an interview with the strategy’s investment team or lead person. From within a week of commencing the Audit, you get an assessment of your strategy with actionable insights, and resources so that you can finalize and launch your investment strategy in a fraction of the time and without all the trial and error of doing it all on your own.

The Strategy Build
From concept to forest investment strategy launch in less than a month
Your organization would like to roll out a forest investment strategy, but you lack the expertise and time to do this effectively in-house. Though you want to ensure your strategy aligns with your organization’s investment philosophy, you are not interested in the long process of learning by doing and would rather have an expert in both forestry and forest investment take the lead on its development.
In as little as 4 weeks, The Strategy Build integrates your objectives, investment philosophy, and investment criteria into a customized forest investment strategy. The outcome is a detailed Investment Thesis that you can use for internal discussions, fundraising and pipeline development with prospective investees, as well as a workshop delivered at your premises to present the strategy and work through any questions.
The Timberland Upgrade
Transform your TIMO to meet the sustainability needs of today’s investors
You are an experienced Timberland Investment Manager and are looking to transform your TIMO and its investment strategies from the traditional timber-optimization model to one that realizes the whole value of the forest. Production forestry is still paramount to your investment thesis, but you see the value in increasing your sustainability credentials.
The Timberland Upgrade is a stepwise engagement that starts with an assessment of your current timberland and sustainability approach together with your ESG and impact goals. The outcome of the first phase is an ESG and Impact integration roadmap, describing the concrete actions needed to credibly upgrade your Timberland model to create intentional and additional biodiversity, climate, and social benefits, all while building value and reducing risk. You can engage The ForestLink to execute the remainder of the Upgrade, or take the roadmap and run with it yourself.

Because you want a profitable and impactful forest investment strategy – you need long-lasting value creation, ESG risk reduction, and co-benefit generation to be part of every decision without slowing you down.
Value Creation
Profitable strategies from valuing the whole forest
Forests have many more values than traditional forest products alone (though those are critical)! The economy is changing, and the traditional timberland investment model is becoming outdated. The forest investment strategies I design focus on how to improve returns from integrating the full value of the forest – timber, climate, nature, water/soil, agriculture. Investors and buyers value these – your investment strategy should too!
Risk Reduction
Turn investment risks into opportunities
Risks must be identified early in the investment process and be avoided or mitigated through strong risk management practices. My experience in forest management, investment management and ESG gives you confidence that no ESG or business risk goes un-detected, and un-mitigated. I find the opportunity in risk, and design strategies that transform it into impact and value.
Generate returns on climate, nature and society
Impact generation doesn’t need to compromise financial returns. From new ecosystem services markets to sourcing niche investors and buyers, to partnering with complementary organizations and more – My impact toolbox ensures that your forest investment strategy creates measurable improvements that will help and not harm your bottom line.
Places are limited, book your workshop spot today
Recent Resources & Insights
What is Enough Sustainability in Forest Investment?
Systematically assessing how to manage sustainability risk in forest investment to achieve your desired investment outcomes I’ve been working on risk a lot lately in my client engagements. I tend to be very structured in my approach to risk management,...
The Forest Investment Manifesto
100 Articles later – a Consolidation of The ForestLink’s beliefs on investing in forests sustainably Thirty years ago, this summer, I stepped into the woods with a new set of eyes. It was Meares Island, 1995 – two years after the Clayoquot Sound ‘war in...
Are you Seeking the Right Capital?
The Importance of Profiling Investors for your ESG and Impact Integrated Forest Investment Strategy Asset Managers wear at least two hats. On the one hand, you’re selling. You raise capital for the investment products you deliver to investors. On the other...