I am so pleased you are here, and I’m excited to introduce you to the work that I do – by letting you behind the scenes in the selection of the name for my business. To learn the specifics about what I do, and why I do it, please head on over to my website!
Connecting forests, sustainability, finance and business.
So you can lead the way in the global bio-economy.

Let’s start off with some definitions to set the stage:
Definitions (courtesy of Oxford):
a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.
- A connection between two or more people or things
- A ring or loop (or bridge) in a chain
- A relationship between two or more things, especially where one affects the other
And now, my personal definition of sustainability as it relates to forests:
A sustainable forest has the ability to provide a number of economic, social and environmental benefits, to meet current and future needs for forest goods and services. Whereas, examples of forest goods and services include wood products, clean air and water, carbon sequestration and storage, biodiversity, healthy and intact soils, food, jobs, recreation – the list goes on.
With these definitions in mind, and my firm belief that responsible finance and business are key to long-term sustainable growth, I created The ForestLink.
The ForestLink is Connection.
Connecting the agents of change who share my definition of sustainable forests, and who like me, have a vision for transforming vulnerable tropical forest landscapes into thriving resilient ones, and doing so with commercial sense.
The ForestLink is a Bridge.
Bridging the gap in your forest project management lifecycle, whether in strategy development, fundraising, project sourcing or providing expertise in ESG and impact management before and after a forest-linked investment.
The ForestLink is a Relationship.
Relating both to trees, and forests in the traditional sense, but also to other natural elements that share the landscape with them, and where one often affects the other’s ability to thrive.
To sum up, I work with the agents of change to bridge the gap in their progression to creating profitable forest-linked nature-based solutions to achieve their goals for creating resilient tropical forest landscapes and lead the way in the global bio-economy.
Why work with me?
By working with me, you can expect the following:
- Gain access to cost-effective niche expertise that combines forest management, sustainability, tropical forest investment management, and agricultural development,
- Demonstrate credibility through applying your customized systems that are robust, yet practical and that are value-generating, risk-reducing, and impact-maximizing,
- Experience sustainable growth, in both the development of your business, and in the impact, you are looking to create.
Let’s make forests a profitable solution for a better planet, Let’s work together!