
The Great Capital Mis-Match in Forestry 

The Great Capital Mis-Match in Forestry 

Why differing investor and investee needs are restricting capital deployment into the forest  There is a mismatch between available investment capital and the forest investment opportunities seeking capital.   On the capital side, issues such as risk...

Strategic Stakeholder Engagement 

Strategic Stakeholder Engagement 

Reducing investment risks and increasing benefits – for stakeholders and your forest investment  I was recently presenting to a client on strategic stakeholder engagement and thought you might benefit from some of the overarching themes and items of discussion....

Stock-take on Forest Finance 

Stock-take on Forest Finance 

Updates on emerging and traditional themes in forest finance  Last week I attended the International Forest Business Conference in Poland. We were a mix of mostly European and North American players in the forest sector. From the investment community to forest...

The Neglected G in ESG 

The Neglected G in ESG 

An Analysis of International Best Practice Standards for ESG Alignment in Forest Investment, with a focus on Governance  ESG, though not the trendiest acronym at present, holds significant importance in today's investment landscape. With certain US states...

Timberland Investment Upgrade 

Don’t be the TIMO that gets left behind! Learn more about The ForestLink’s Timberland Upgrade Service. Build on the strength and success of your timberland investment approach to meet the sustainability needs of today’s investors.  The prescription for an aging TIMO...

When ESG is bad for the Forest 

When ESG is bad for the Forest 

How reputational risk can compromise sustainable forest management  You won’t often hear me suggest that ESG should be downgraded in priority in a forest management, business, or investment decision, but a recent experience has caused me to question myself. ...